At the basis of life, there are genes. It took over thirteen years to sequence the 2.85 billion nucleotides of the Human Genome. And while the mysteries of the sequence and its tens of thousands of genes were only beginning to emerge, a brand new way of looking at medical innovation was being defined.

1 Westmount Square, Suite 800
Montreal, Quebec
H3Z 2P9

T 514-849-7696
F 514-849-5191

RGS Génome inc. (Xenon Pharma inc.)
Ceptyr inc.
Chromos Molecular Systems inc.
Copernicus Therapeutics inc.
Cytochroma inc.
GeneFormatics inc.
Gene Logic inc.
Hémax Génome inc. (Emérillion Thérapeutique inc.)
Interomex Biopharmaceuticals inc.
Lexicon Genetics (Lexicon Pharmaceuticals inc.)
Message Pharmaceuticals inc.
MethylGene inc.
Mycota inc. (Elitra Pharmaceuticals inc.)
Novalon Pharmaceuticals inc. (KaroBio AB)
Pentamer Pharmaceuticals inc.
Phagetech inc. (Targanta Therapeutics inc., The Medicines Company inc.)
Ribozyme inc. (Sirna Therapeutics inc.)
Targeted Genetics inc.
Triad Biotechnology inc.
Viron Therapeutics inc.
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